My Bio
I am a recent graduate from the University of Tennessee with a B.A. in Judaic Studies. I graduated with honors and received both the Dr. Ruben P. Robinson Judaic Studies Scholarship and the Fern and Manfred Steinfeld Scholarship in Judaic Studies. I have had the privilege of volunteering in Israel at Kaplan Medical Center for 160 hours. I have also enjoyed volunteering at Heska Amuna Synagogue for six months. After traveling and volunteering in Israel, during the summer of 2012 and 2014, I fell in love with the Jewish people. My unique passion for Israel and the Jewish people focuses on service and volunteer opportunities for the local community. It is my hope to inspire awareness, involvement, and charity in the non-Jewish community towards the Jewish community of East Tennessee and around the world. My specific research interest is the relationship between Christians and Jews, specifically the education of local Christian churches of Judaism, Jewish culture & thought, literature, and cultural dynamics, (i.e. Jewish Diaspora). The Hebrew words שלום  and חסד   mean ‘peace’ and ‘kindness’. חסד   can also mean ‘loving-kindness, ‘mercy’, or ‘loyalty’, which is similar to the Christian term ‘grace’. It is my greatest hope to demonstrate שלום וחסד  (shalom and chesed) to the Jewish community through service, volunteerism, charity, and hard work.


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