Timeline of Adventure: since 2012
  • Traveled to Israel in 2012 with ORIGINS for my senior trip with the Friends of Israel Organization

  • Traveled to Israel in 2014 with the same organization and a different group of volunteers from the US and Canada

  • Changed major to Judaic Studies at the University of Tennessee - fall of 2014

  • Began Hebrew courses- fall of 2014

  • T-shirt fundraiser for The Friends of Israel

  • Began volunteering at Heska Amuna Synagogue in Knoxville, Tennessee- January of 2016

  • Graduated with honors and received both the Dr. Ruben P. Robinson Judaic Studies Scholarship and the Fern and Manfred Steinfeld Scholarship in Judaic Studies

  • Graduated with a B.A. in Judaic Studies- May 2016

  • Spoke at a Sisterhood meeting at Temple Beth El “My Interests in Research: the Relationship Between Christians and Jews” - March 2016

  • Started as a kitchen assistant at the synagogue- June 2016

  • Acquired employment at the Arnstein Jewish Community Center Preschool- June 2016

  • Canceled Yad Hashmona program, due to security issues- January 2016

  • Future endeavors: 5th Hebrew class, fall 0f 2017; Israel trip 2018!!! To be continued...


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